Water’s Edge Restaurant Sued for Overtime Pay and Spread of Hours Pay

Water’s Edge Restaurant Sued for Overtime Pay and Spread of Hours Pay

December 18, 2014
December 27, 2017
Water’s Edge Restaurant Sued for Overtime Pay and Spread of Hours PayWaiter Pay logo simple

Servers and bussers have been denied overtime pay and spread of hours pay at Water’s Edge Restaurant in Long Island City, according to a lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court. The lawsuit against Water’s Edge Restaurant claims that the restaurant failed to pay the workers time and a half for their hours worked over 40 in a week. The lawsuit also claims that the restaurant did not pay employees New York’s “spread of hours” premium for each day they worked over 10 hours. Lawyers for the workers have filed the wage lawsuit as a class action on behalf of approximately 50 of the restaurant’s employees. The wage lawsuit seeks backpay, liquidated damages, and attorneys’ fees.

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