Waiter Files Age Discrimination Lawsuit Against Wolfgang Puck’s CUT Restaurant

Waiter Files Age Discrimination Lawsuit Against Wolfgang Puck’s CUT Restaurant

April 8, 2011
November 12, 2018
Waiter Files Age Discrimination Lawsuit Against Wolfgang Puck’s CUT RestaurantWaiter Pay logo simple

Waiter David Kallman claims that CUT restaurant, owned by Wolfgang Puck, discriminated against him and targeted him for termination because of his age.  Kallman, who is 52 years old, charges in the lawsuit he filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, that he was called “pops” and “old man,” and was told that he was “too old to relate to the younger people.”  Kallman claims that he was ostracized by the other members of the waitstaff because of his age, and that he was unfairly assigned the biggest table, the most work, the most stressful tasks, and forced to work late. The case against CUT restaurant highlights the issue of age discrimination against restaurant workers in the front of the house.  Many restaurants which seek a young, hip staff do so in blatant discrimination against older workers. Under a variety of laws, workers who are victims of age discrimination may be  entitled to back pay, mental anguish damages, punitive damages, and attorneys’ fees.

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