Subway Tops List of Fast Food Restaurants that Violate Wage Payment Laws

Subway Tops List of Fast Food Restaurants that Violate Wage Payment Laws

May 5, 2014
December 21, 2017
Subway Tops List of Fast Food Restaurants that Violate Wage Payment LawsWaiter Pay logo simple

Subway restaurants violate the wage payment laws more than any other fast food restaurant, according to a recent CNNMoney article. CNNMoney reports that individual Subway restaurants have been found in violation of pay and hour rules in more than 1,100 investigations spanning from 2000 to 2013. Common labor violations in fast food restaurants include employers forcing workers to deduct a 30-minute lunch break, even though the employee didn't take a break. Some workers are forced to pay for a company uniform, which can be a violation if, after deducting that expense, the worker's hourly rate falls below the minimum wage. Some employers also try to get around overtime rules by asking workers to sign contracts waiving time-and-a-half pay.  That practice is also against the law. The Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) requires most fast food employees be paid at least the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, plus time-and-a-half for any work beyond 40 hours a week.  In New York, the minimum wage is $5.00 per hour.  Employers are also required to maintain accurate time and payroll records.

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