Sammy’s Downtown & Rosie’s Bistro Italiano Sued For Wage Violations

Sammy’s Downtown & Rosie’s Bistro Italiano Sued For Wage Violations

April 18, 2018
April 18, 2018
Sammy’s Downtown & Rosie’s Bistro Italiano Sued For Wage Violations Waiter Pay logo simple

Former kitchen workers at Sammy’s Downtown and Rosie’s Bistro Italiano in Bronxville claim that Sammy’s Downtown and Rosie’s Bistro unlawfully stiffed them out of the minimum wage and overtime wages, as well as spread-of-hours pay, in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and the New York Labor Law (“NYLL”). Sammy’s Downtown and Rosie’s Bistro are sister restaurants owned by Leonard Racanelli and Marco Lojano.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in New York, alleges that two kitchen workers were not paid minimum and overtime wages as they regularly worked over seventy hours per workweek and were compensated at an hourly rate as low as $7.50 per hour for all hours worked, including those hours over forty in a workweek. The lawsuit also alleges that the restaurants failed to pay the workers so called “spread-of-hours pay” which is additional compensation of one hour’s pay at the basic minimum hourly wage rate for each day during which the workers’ shifts spread over more than ten hours. The lawsuit also claims that the restaurants never gave them wage notices or accurate wage statements with each payment of their wages. 

The workers are represented by Louis Pechman and Laura Rodriguez of Pechman Law Group PLLC.



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