Roberta’s Pizzeria in Brooklyn Served With Class Action Wage Lawsuit

Roberta’s Pizzeria in Brooklyn Served With Class Action Wage Lawsuit

August 5, 2015
December 27, 2017
Roberta’s Pizzeria in Brooklyn Served With Class Action Wage LawsuitWaiter Pay logo simple

A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of dishwashers, stock organizers, food preparers, and cleaning personnel, who worked at Roberta’s Pizzeria in Brooklyn, NY. The class action complaint, filed in Brooklyn federal court, claims that the renowned pizzeria failed to pay their employees the correct overtime pay rate. The employees also claim that Roberta’s failed to provide all of their employees with wage notices and spread-of-hours pay. According to the employees, Roberta’s staff told employees that they were not entitled to overtime pay because they were all working “off-the-books.” Moreover, the employees who complained were terminated. One dishwasher at the restaurant alleges that he was only compensated for the hourly rate of $13.50, regardless of working sixty to ninety hours a week. According to the dishwasher, Roberta’s Pizzeria also failed to compensate him for sick leave that he was forced to take, being that he suffered two amputations at work. Attorneys for the restaurant workers are seeking unpaid overtime compensation, liquidated damages, and attorney’s fees for violating the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA") and New York Labor Law ("NYLL").  

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