Pret A Manger Sued for Time Shaving and Overtime Violations

Pret A Manger Sued for Time Shaving and Overtime Violations

August 22, 2012
September 10, 2018
Pret A Manger Sued for Time Shaving and Overtime ViolationsWaiter Pay logo simple

Pret A Manger, a British fast food restaurant chain, has been sued by a former employee for pay violations. The class action complaint filed by Manuel Trinidad, a former sandwich maker and cashier of the restaurant chain, claims that he and other employees were not paid overtime, not paid “spread of hours” pay when they worked overtime, and did not receive proper wage statements as required under the New York Labor Law. The lawsuit seeks class action status on behalf of employees at the 33 New York City locations of Pret A Manger and damages for unpaid overtime and spread of hours, liquidated damages, and attorneys’ fees for the workers.

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