Pinkberry Workers Makes Claim for Wage Theft

Pinkberry Workers Makes Claim for Wage Theft

October 10, 2014
December 22, 2017
Pinkberry Workers Makes Claim for Wage TheftWaiter Pay logo simple

Workers and managers at a Pinkberry on Chapel Street in New Haven, Connecticut claim that the now closed frozen yogurt shop failed to pay them wages for their hours worked.  Several employees claim that their employer did not pay them for months, and despite their attempts to speak to the owner of the shop, they received no response.  But notwithstanding the alleged wage theft, workers had to work longer hours, sometimes without a manager, to deal with mismanagement issues at the store.  As a result of not having received their pay, many servers working behind the counter and store managers quit but employees continue to wait for the monies owed to them.

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