NY Diner Found Guilty of Retaliation Against Workers

NY Diner Found Guilty of Retaliation Against Workers

November 5, 2016
December 27, 2017
NY Diner Found Guilty of Retaliation Against WorkersWaiter Pay logo simple

Waverly Restaurant, a diner in New York City’s West Village, was found guilty of retaliation against former workers in a decision by Judge Steven Davis of the National Labor Relations Board. After a three-day trial, Judge Davis found that the restaurant reduced worker hours because they had filed a federal court wage theft lawsuit against the restaurant for overtime, minimum wage, and other violations. The Judge also found that management had pressured waiters, delivery workers and bussers involved in the FLSA lawsuit to drop the suit. The restaurant workers were represented at the trial by Vivianna Morales and Louis Pechman, founder of waiterpay.com.

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