New York State Attorney General Investigating Pay of Fast Food Workers

New York State Attorney General Investigating Pay of Fast Food Workers

May 18, 2013
September 10, 2018
New York State Attorney General Investigating Pay of Fast Food WorkersWaiter Pay logo simple

The New York State Attorney General is investigating whether fast food restaurants have cheated their workers out of wages, according to a report in the New York Times. Eric T. Schneiderman, the Attorney General, is examining whether certain restaurants paid less than minimum wage, did not pay for overtime, failed to pay workers for work-related expenses, and falsified time records. The New York Times article pointed out that restaurant delivery workers are among the most vulnerable to wage theft as they often use their own cars, bikes, and cell phones, but are often not reimbursed for these expenses.  Delivery workers are also vulnerable to being robbed or injured at work and are often paid less than the minimum wage.

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