New Orleans Bakery to Pay $127,128 in Overtime Back Wages

New Orleans Bakery to Pay $127,128 in Overtime Back Wages

May 31, 2018
May 31, 2018
New Orleans Bakery to Pay $127,128 in Overtime Back WagesWaiter Pay logo simple

Dong Phuong Oriental Bakery Inc., doing business as DP Bakeshop, will pay $127,128 in back wages to 43 employees to settle overtime and recordkeeping violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) found in an investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division.

Department of Labor investigators found Dong Phuong Oriental Bakery Inc. in New Orleans, Louisiana violated the overtime requirements of the FLSA by paying employees the same hourly rate for all the hours they worked, and failing to pay them overtime when they worked more than 40 hours in a work week. Additionally, the company violated FLSA record keeping provisions when it failed to keep required payroll records for some employees, paying them in cash with no documentation.

“Employees who work long, hard hours to make ends meet count on being paid for every hour they work, including the time-and-one-half the law requires when they work overtime,” said Betty Campbell, Regional Administrator. “The U.S. Department of Labor is committed to ensuring that employees receive the wages they’ve earned, and that employers compete on a level playing field where everyone plays by the same rules.”

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