Mario Batali Faces Another Lawsuit For Allegedly Taking Tips

Mario Batali Faces Another Lawsuit For Allegedly Taking Tips

October 15, 2010
March 9, 2018
Mario Batali Faces Another Lawsuit For Allegedly Taking TipsWaiter Pay logo simple

Coming on the heels of a four star review by the New York Times, Mario Batali’s Del Posto restaurant was sued by 27 former and current workers for taking tips from its staff. The lawsuit against Batali and Del Posto, which was filed on October 12, 2010, alleges a variety of labor law violations including that management took a percentage of its nightly sales out of the tip pool and the restaurant workers at banquets received a flat rate of pay and did not receive the 23% service charge that customers were charged.  The lawsuit against Batali and Del Posto also claims that the restaurant did not pay the spread of hours pay required by New York law and did not reimburse the restaurant workers for the cost of laundering their uniforms.

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