Mamma Lombardi’s Is Latest Long Island Restaurant Accused of Unfair Pay Practices

Mamma Lombardi’s Is Latest Long Island Restaurant Accused of Unfair Pay Practices

July 26, 2012
September 10, 2018
Mamma Lombardi’s Is Latest Long Island Restaurant Accused of Unfair Pay PracticesWaiter Pay logo simple

Mamma Lombardi’s, a Long Island restaurant with locations in Holbrook, Port Jefferson, and Patchogue, has been hit with a class action lawsuit alleging that the restaurant failed to pay overtime to “back of the house” food preparers at its Holbrook location.  According to the Complaint filed in federal court, the chef’s assistants and helpers who prepared the food at the restaurant regularly worked sixty hours a week, but the restaurant failed to compensate them at time and a half for each hour worked over forty. Lawyers for the workers also claim that the restaurant failed to maintain payroll records and failed to follow record keeping procedures required by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the New York State Labor Law including the failure to maintain accurate statements of payment of wages, listing hours worked, rates of pay, gross wages, deductions and allowances required by law. The lawsuit seeks damages for unpaid overtime wages, liquidated damages, interest, attorneys’ fees and costs.

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