Long Island Diners Hit With Overtime and Minimum Wage Judgments Totaling $133,000

Long Island Diners Hit With Overtime and Minimum Wage Judgments Totaling $133,000

January 26, 2012
November 12, 2018
Long Island Diners Hit With Overtime and Minimum Wage Judgments Totaling $133,000Waiter Pay logo simple

The United States Department of Labor has filed lawsuits and simultaneous judgments against the Atlantis Diner and the Coram Diner in federal court for overtime and minimum wage violations. Attorneys for the Department of Labor alleged in the complaints that the Long Island restaurants failed to pay their workers at time and one-half their regular hourly rates for all hours worked over 40 per week, failed to pay employees minimum wage, and did not lawfully maintain required payroll records.  The Consent Judgment against Atlantis Diner totaled $82,050 and the Consent Judgment against Coram Diner totaled $51,474.

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