Judge Gives Go Ahead To Café Centro Class Action

Judge Gives Go Ahead To Café Centro Class Action

July 14, 2012
October 24, 2018
Judge Gives Go Ahead To Café Centro Class ActionWaiter Pay logo simple

A lawsuit alleging that Café Centro, a popular mid-town Manhattan restaurant, violated overtime, spread of hour pay, and other payment of wage requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act and New York Labor Law, may proceed as a class action in arbitration. In a Decision dated July 9, 2012, New York federal Judge Robert Sweet upheld the Award of Bonnie Weinstock, who previously found that Café Centro waiters and waitresses had a the right to proceed with the case on a class wide basis in arbitration.  Judge Sweet rejected the restaurant’s claim that under the Supreme Court’s decision in Stolt-Nielson, they were not required to submit to class arbitration unless there is a contractual basis for concluding that there was an agreement to arbitrate as a class. Louis Pechman, founder of waiterpay, is the attorney for Café Centro workers.

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