Hostile Work Environment and Retaliatory Termination Case Against Sutton Place Can Move to Trial

Hostile Work Environment and Retaliatory Termination Case Against Sutton Place Can Move to Trial

June 15, 2012
November 12, 2018
Hostile Work Environment and Retaliatory Termination Case Against Sutton Place Can Move to TrialWaiter Pay logo simple

A sex harassment and retaliation case against Sutton Place Bar and Restaurant can move to trial, according to a recent decision by a New York court. The lawsuit alleges that owner Neil Hanafy subjected female employees to a hostile work environment by constantly subjecting waitresses to vulgar sexual comments, comments about their weight and appearance, and inappropriate touches of their buttocks and breasts. One server testified that Hanafy repeatedly asked her how much she weighed, and tried to weigh her by forcibly lifting her onto a scale. The waitresses also allege that complaints of the lewd comments and sexual advances were ignored by both Hanafy and supervisor Selena Steddinger. The two waitresses also allege unlawful termination, as they were fired from their employment shortly after complaining about the forcible weighing of all female employees.

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