Feds Bust Up Smuggling Ring That Supplied Below Minimum Wage Chinatown Restaurant Workers

Feds Bust Up Smuggling Ring That Supplied Below Minimum Wage Chinatown Restaurant Workers

October 11, 2010
November 12, 2018
Feds Bust Up Smuggling Ring That Supplied Below Minimum Wage Chinatown Restaurant WorkersWaiter Pay logo simple

Last week federal agents arrested 23 people on charges that they smuggled 70 people from China to work in Chinatown restaurants for below minimum wage.

The restaurant owners allegedly targeted undocumented immigrants for work in the restaurants because the restaurant owners knew they could pay these workers below minimum wage.  According to a statement released by the Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, the defendants “allegedly trafficked in human beings, making money off of the backs of illegal immigrants and treating them like chattel.”  The arrests mark the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s largest investigation of unauthorized workers in New York.

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