Dying Man’s Final Wish is to Leave Waiter $500 Tip

Dying Man’s Final Wish is to Leave Waiter $500 Tip

July 31, 2012
March 9, 2018
Dying Man’s Final Wish is to Leave Waiter $500 TipWaiter Pay logo simple

After Aaron Collins passed away on July 7, 2012, his family found a will he’d written on his computer with instructions on what to do with his belongings.  His final wish was to “leave an awesome tip (and I don’t mean 25%.  I mean $500 on a … pizza).” His brother Seth Collins started a website to fulfill his brother’s wish and raise money for the big tip.  Once he collected enough money from friends and family, he posted a video on YouTube of the family giving a $500 tip to a waitress at an Italian restaurant. Since then, the video has been viewed by over 2 million people, and donations have been made from people all over the world.  The site has raised nearly $50,000, allowing Collins to give more big tips to unsuspecting waiters and waitresses.  

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