Delivery Workers at Ollie’s Restaurant in Times Square File Class Action for Wage Violations

Delivery Workers at Ollie’s Restaurant in Times Square File Class Action for Wage Violations

August 4, 2015
December 27, 2017
Delivery Workers at Ollie’s Restaurant in Times Square File Class Action for Wage ViolationsWaiter Pay logo simple

Ollie’s, a popular midtown Chinese restaurant, has been hit with a lawsuit by delivery workers who claim they were denied minimum wage,overtime

, and spread of hours pay. According to the lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court, Ollie’s improperly took a tip credit, denied their employees wage notices at the time of hiring, and failed to provide employees with paystubs. The delivery workers allege that they typically worked 45 to 49 hours per week and were paid approximately $200 to $250 per week. The employees were also required to sign false time records, which reflected less hours than they worked. The employees also alleged that Ollie’s was not entitled to take a tip-credit because they were assigned non-tip duties, which exceeded 20% of their workday. Moreover, the lawsuit claims that Ollie’s never reimbursed their delivery workers for the bicycles they each had to purchase. Attorneys for the delivery workers are seeking unpaid minimum wages, unpaid overtime compensation, unpaid spread of hours premium, compensation for failure to provide wage notice, liquidated damages, and attorneys’ fees.

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