Court Approves $19 Million Settlement in Sex Discrimination Case Against Outback Steakhouse

Court Approves $19 Million Settlement in Sex Discrimination Case Against Outback Steakhouse

September 3, 2010
November 12, 2018
Court Approves $19 Million Settlement in Sex Discrimination Case Against Outback SteakhouseWaiter Pay logo simple

Outback Steakhouse agreed to a consent decree to settle a sex discrimination lawsuit for $19 million.  According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Outback Steakhouse discriminated against female employees by restricting their access to high-level managerial positions.  The EEOC also alleged that women were denied favorable job assignments.

More than 20,000 former and current employees may benefit from the settlement, provided each woman was employed at a corporately-owned Outback Steakhouse for at least three years since 2002.  In addition to monetary relief, the settlement also requires Outback to create an online application system for employees seeking managerial positions.  Outback must also report to the EEOC every six months, and must hire an outside consultant responsible for determining whether women are given equal opportunities for advancement.

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