Batali, Partner Settle Wage and Tip Lawsuit for $5.25 Million

Batali, Partner Settle Wage and Tip Lawsuit for $5.25 Million

March 8, 2013
April 23, 2019
Batali, Partner Settle Wage and Tip Lawsuit for $5.25 MillionWaiter Pay logo simple

Celebrity chef Mario Batali has agreed to fork over a whopping $5.25 million to settle tip-skimming allegations at eight Italian-style restaurants he co-owns with business partner Joseph Bastianich. The pending deal — which could cover as many as 1,100 current and former workers at eateries including Babbo, Esca and Lupa — is believed to be the largest ever in a New York wage-and-tip suit. Lou Pechman represented the workers.

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