Accountant for The Fireman Group Café Concepts Claims National Origin Discrimination and Retaliation

Accountant for The Fireman Group Café Concepts Claims National Origin Discrimination and Retaliation

April 26, 2012
March 9, 2018
Accountant for The Fireman Group Café Concepts Claims National Origin Discrimination and RetaliationWaiter Pay logo simple

A former corporate accountant for The Fireman Group Café Concepts, Inc. has filed a lawsuit alleging that she was harassed, discriminated against, retaliated against, and discharged due to her national origin. The accountant alleges in her Complaint that as early as her first day of work her supervisor expressed shock that she was hired because she was not Russian, refused to train her, and only spoke Russian with the rest of the accounting staff who were also Russian. The accountant claims she was made fun of and imitated in a mocking manner by the supervisor because of her Egyptian ethnicity. She also contends that she repeatedly complained to management about the supervisor’s derogatory comments and harassment but was told there was nothing they could do. After completing her first 90 days of work the accountant asserts that she asked to be provided health insurance. Although other employees were given health insurance after their first 90 days of work, the accountant claims she was told she had complained too much about her supervisor’s harassment and was not eligible. About one week after her supervisor allegedly told her “people of the same culture get along well together,” the accountant was fired. Attorneys for the accountant seek damages for lost wages resulting from her unlawful termination as well as compensatory damages for mental, emotional and physical injury, distress, pain and suffering, injury to reputation, and attorneys’ fees.

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