19 Women Sue Chicago Restaurant for Sexual Harassment

19 Women Sue Chicago Restaurant for Sexual Harassment

March 1, 2012
October 24, 2018
19 Women Sue Chicago Restaurant for Sexual HarassmentWaiter Pay logo simple

The Tilted Kilt, a Celtic-themed bar and restaurant featuring scantily dressed waitresses, has been sued for sexual harassment by its workers. Lawyers for the women claim that one of the owners bragged about his sexual exploits, attempted to kiss and grab the women, and licked, poked and grabbed the waitresses in a sexual manner. The complaint against the restaurants is ripe with offensive comments that the waitstaff were subjected to, including “meow, meow, you are a dirty kitty,” “that’s how daddy likes it,” and “you don’t know what I’d like to do to you.” Lewd gestures and offensive, uninvited sexual innuendo created a “sexually hostile, offensive, humiliating and degrading work environment,” according to the lawsuit. In addition to sexual harassment, the employees claim that the management retaliated against workers who complained by cutting their hours and giving them unwanted shifts. The lawsuit against the restaurant seeks compensatory and punitive damages, as well as attorneys’ fees.

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