New Year = Higher Pay for New York Restaurant Workers

New Year = Higher Pay for New York Restaurant Workers

December 28, 2015
December 27, 2017
New Year = Higher Pay for New York Restaurant WorkersWaiter Pay logo simple

Effective December 31, 2015, the minimum wage in New York increases to $9 per hour. The tipped minimum wage increases to $7.50 per hour for front of the house restaurant workers, including waiters, waitresses, bussers, runners, valets, and coat checkers. The overtime rate for front of the house restaurant workers increases to $12 per hour. The rate for spread of hours pay increases to $9.00. Uniform maintenance pay increases to $11.20 per week for work weeks of more than 30 hours; $8.85 for work weeks of more that 20 hours, but less than 30 hours; and $5.35 per week for work weeks of 20 hours or less. If a restaurant qualifies as a fast food establishment under the New York Fast Food Wage Order, the minimum wage increases to $10.50 per hour in NYC and to $9.75 per hour in the rest of New York State. For more information on these minimum increases please click here.

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