Cook at Chipotle Restaurant Sues for Male on Male Sexual Harassment

Cook at Chipotle Restaurant Sues for Male on Male Sexual Harassment

February 27, 2012
November 12, 2018
Cook at Chipotle Restaurant Sues for Male on Male Sexual HarassmentWaiter Pay logo simple

A grill cook at a Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurant in Huntington, Long Island has accused the restaurant and a co-worker of unlawful sexual harassment. Kyle Desiro, who worked as a grill cook in the “back line” of the restaurant, claims that another grill cook would ask him if he liked “pinga,” a Spanish term for penis, and taunted him with homophobic comments. The verbal harassment eventually escalated into a physical assault and battery on Desiro by the same co-worker. The lawsuit also alleges that two days after Desiro complained about the co-worker’s harassment and physical assault, he was falsely accused of smoking marijuana and was fired. The complaint, which was filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, seeks damages for humiliation, lost wages, punitive damages and attorney’s fees. Lawyers for Desiro filed the case under the New York City Human Rights Law and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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