Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay Sued for Minimum Wage, Overtime, and Other Worker Rights Violations

Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay Sued for Minimum Wage, Overtime, and Other Worker Rights Violations

June 24, 2013
December 20, 2017
Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay Sued for Minimum Wage, Overtime, and Other Worker Rights ViolationsWaiter Pay logo simple

Former employees of Fat Cow, Gordon Ramsay’s Los Angeles restaurant, claim that the restaurant did not pay them minimum wage for all hours worked, failed to pay them overtime for hours worked over forty, and made the hostesses, servers, and baristas work through meal periods and breaks without proper compensation. The lawsuit captioned Becerra, et al. v. The Fat Cow LLC, Index No. BC511053, which was filed as a class action in Los Angeles Superior Court on June 13, 2013, also alleges that the managers and supervisors at the restaurant took the waitstaff’s tips in violation of the California labor laws. Lawyers for the former workers at the restaurant also claim that at the time the workers quit, resigned, or were discharged they were not given the wages owed to them as required by law, that the restaurant violated the workers’ rights by failing to keep accurate time records for each employee, and that the workers did not receive proper pay statements.

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