Waiter Sues Mario Batali Restaurant for Sexual Harassment

Waiter Sues Mario Batali Restaurant for Sexual Harassment

January 12, 2012
October 24, 2018
Waiter Sues Mario Batali Restaurant for Sexual HarassmentWaiter Pay logo simple

Mario Batali’s Babbo Restaurant has been sued by a waiter who alleges that the restaurant condoned sexual harassment of the waiter by co-workers. The complaint, filed in New York State Supreme Court by waiter Eugene Gibbons claims that co-workers smacked his buttocks, grabbed his genitals, and made comments to him of a sexual nature. The lawsuit alleges that Gibbons complained to restaurant management but management did nothing to stop the harassment, and Gibbons was forced to resign, i.e. constructively discharged. Attorneys for the waiter seek back pay, emotional distress damages, and punitive damages for the alleged wrongful and illegal conduct. Sexual harassment in the restaurant industry has been a subject of media discussion following the sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain, during his campaign for President. The Huffington Post recently ran an interesting article providing an overview of the issue of sexual harassment in restaurants.

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