Restaurant Delivery Workers at Chop’t Restaurants Sue For Labor Violations

Restaurant Delivery Workers at Chop’t Restaurants Sue For Labor Violations

April 25, 2013
September 10, 2018
Restaurant Delivery Workers at Chop’t Restaurants Sue For Labor ViolationsWaiter Pay logo simple

Delivery workers at Chop’t restaurants claim that their rights have been violated by the popular chopped salad restaurant which has ten locations in New York City. According to the lawsuit filed by the delivery workers, the Chop’t restaurants failed to pay the delivery workers minimum wage and overtime.  Attorneys for the workers allege that the restaurant was not entitled to take a tip credit under the law because the restaurant required workers to perform general preparation, dishwashing, maintenance, and/or other non-tipped work for two hours or more and/or in excess of twenty percent of their time at work. The lawsuit also seeks reimbursement for the purchase of bicycles by the delivery workers, damages for the restaurant’s failure to pay spread of hours pay, and attorneys’ fees and costs.

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