Morton’s Cook Claims Sex Harassment in Restaurant Kitchen

Morton’s Cook Claims Sex Harassment in Restaurant Kitchen

November 16, 2011
November 12, 2018
Morton’s Cook Claims Sex Harassment in Restaurant KitchenWaiter Pay logo simple

A hostile work environment filled with sexual taunting, physical abuse, and vegetables used in a phallic way, is how a cook at a Morton’s Steakhouse in Boca Raton, Florida described his work environment in a recent lawsuit. The complaint of Reginald Williams, filed in the Circuit Court in Palm Beach County, Florida alleges that he was sexually harassed by his co-workers.  The allegations in the Complaint include that one of his co-workers paraded around the kitchen with stalks of asparagus in his pants to simulate an erect penis, grabbed Williams’ buttocks and licked his ear, and that other co-workers asked him whether he wanted oral sex.  The Complaint accuses Morton’s management of turning a blind eye to the harassment.  After an alleged sexual attack by a co-worker in the storage area, Williams made a report to the police and did not return to work. Williams seeks compensatory and punitive damages for assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and violations of his civil rights.

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